Wild Wild West predicted the rise of Elon Musk by over two decades. We knew in the ’90s that shitty, confederate-living technofascists were the enemy and that we’d recognize them by their cringe aesthetics
Published a big article I wrote about how martial arts (specifically iaido) use Japanese language, please enjoy! EN: www.brooklynbattodo.com/reading/2… JP: www.brooklynbattodo.com/reading/2…-nihongo
I have finally broken down and joined letterboxd boxd.it/dpUUd
smh that they called it Citizen Sleeper 2 instead of “2 citizen 2 sleepy”
At some point this year I should just bust out my 新完全マスター N3 books and actually study for the test
I really want to like Lorelei (and the opening vibes are incredibly good), but I feel like the more I play the more the puzzles become “did you remember this bit of trivia?” Looking at you, Quiz Club
just testing something, please ignore
//TEST.POST CONT no seriously i’m in the wires and i can’t get ou//ERR EOF
//TEST.POST INIT if you are reading this i am trapped in the machin//ERR EOF
I’ve been spouting off conspiracy theories about the lack of 3-bedroom apartments in NYC for years, so I’m glad to see all my worst fears have been confirmed www.curbed.com/article/t…
So I thought I’d try out the native iOS keyboard, and am I going insane or can you not swipe-type quite a lot of words? Murder, porn, abortion (!!), suicide, and a few other words simply don’t get recognized
SUCCESS: I was able to clear half the items on my 20-item-long todo list today! Now I only have checks list 20 items left!
“professionalism” is just sending “sounds good, thanks” slack messages back and forth until one of you dies
So Kitchen Nightmares is back and one of the restaurants is a place I went to LAST WEEK.
What’s up with all the fireworks in Brooklyn right now?
It’s that time of year again where I need to tell myself that I DO NOT need to rethink my entire notetaking process. NO, STOP GOOGLING ZETTELKASTEN!
Monthly rents in Brooklyn are extremely cool and good
Variety shows are getting weird
Nozomi is pretty fast, huh
Through a convoluted series of events, my partner and I will be hanging out in and around Tokyo for pretty much all of May. Anybody have recommendations for stuff we shouldn’t miss?
Ed Balls
Strange tidings from the New York City rental market www.curbed.com/2023/01/n…
The king is dead, long live the king tapbots.com/tweetbot/
Happy new year! (source: https://at.tumblr.com/a/key_live_loIM22jCfY1c0N7G2HnBDcmjDCpTeypJ)