2025-03-01: Wild Wild West predicted the rise of Elon Musk by over two decades. We knew in the ’90s that …
2025-02-24: Published a big article I wrote about how martial arts (specifically iaido) use Japanese language, …
2025-02-08: I have finally broken down and joined letterboxd boxd.it/dpUUd
2025-01-31: smh that they called it Citizen Sleeper 2 instead of “2 citizen 2 sleepy”
2025-01-30: At some point this year I should just bust out my 新完全マスター N3 books and actually study for the test
2025-01-19: I really want to like Lorelei (and the opening vibes are incredibly good), but I feel like the more …
2025-01-19: just testing something, please ignore
2024-12-19: //TEST.POST CONT no seriously i’m in the wires and i can’t get ou//ERR EOF
2024-12-19: //TEST.POST INIT if you are reading this i am trapped in the machin//ERR EOF
2024-05-02: I’ve been spouting off conspiracy theories about the lack of 3-bedroom apartments in NYC for …
2023-12-09: So I thought I’d try out the native iOS keyboard, and am I going insane or can you not swipe-type …
2023-12-07: SUCCESS: I was able to clear half the items on my 20-item-long todo list today! Now I only have …
2023-12-07: “professionalism” is just sending “sounds good, thanks” slack messages back …
2023-11-20: So Kitchen Nightmares is back and one of the restaurants is a place I went to LAST WEEK.
2023-11-18: What’s up with all the fireworks in Brooklyn right now?
2023-09-28: It’s that time of year again where I need to tell myself that I DO NOT need to rethink my …
2023-06-09: Monthly rents in Brooklyn are extremely cool and good
2023-05-13: Variety shows are getting weird
2023-05-12: 大阪城
2023-05-07: Nozomi is pretty fast, huh
2023-04-29: Through a convoluted series of events, my partner and I will be hanging out in and around Tokyo for …
2023-04-28: Ed Balls
2023-01-28: Strange tidings from the New York City rental market www.curbed.com/2023/01/n…
2023-01-20: The king is dead, long live the king tapbots.com/tweetbot/
2023-01-01: Happy new year! (source: https://at.tumblr.com/a/key_live_loIM22jCfY1c0N7G2HnBDcmjDCpTeypJ)
2022-12-11: Oh no, the note taking app I’ve been using for a year recently took VC money, so I’m …
2022-12-11: Having finally just watched Fast and the Furious, I’d be shocked if REDLINE (the anime from …
2022-12-03: Oh neat, I can send my thoughts to everywhere my personality has instantiated itself. Time to go to …
2022-12-02: Just a Cool Pic
2022-12-02: Writing python for the first time in months and my code is deeply embarassing 😰
2022-12-02: Just clicked a twitter link and noticed I had a bunch of notifications, including this one. RIP to a …
2022-12-02: On very similar lines, this is a pretty good rule to live by: www.jwz.org/blog/2022…
2022-12-02: So I was looking at crossposting, since I still have a few friends on various social networks that …
2022-11-30: What genre of music is the most “goblincore”? Asking for my coworkers
2022-11-29: There we go, I think it’s pretty now